Find out about the services in Sheffield which are associated with the Primary and Community Mental Health Service.

Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust
Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust provides a range of mental health, learning disability and other specialist services to the people of Sheffield.
Some of the specialist services provided support people from across the region, and the gender identity clinic receives referrals from across the country.

Sheffield Talking Therapies
Sheffield Talking Therapies, previously known as IAPT, provides free support to thousands of people each year in Sheffield.
It offers a range of support that is designed to give you the skills and confidence to overcome stress, anxiety and depression.

Sheffield Mental Health Guide
There are many services in Sheffield which can help people who are experiencing mental health problems.
Some of these are not run by the NHS. In many cases local community support can help you in the long term and improve your mental health. A large number of these community resources are run by people who have experience mental health problems and are committed to helping others in a way which is informed by what they went through.
The Sheffield Mental Health Guide is full of options which may be helpful. All of the services listed are free of charge.